Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Liebster Blog Award!

Hey everyone! I hope y'all are doing well on this gorgeous Tuesday morning! I wanted to share with y'all a really exciting thing that happened! I am so excited and completely humbled by Amy from www.asmallbudgetbeauty.blogspot.com who has so very sweetly nominated me for The Liebster Blog Award! :D This is my first award for my blog and I'm so excited!!!! :D Thanks so much Amy!

For all my readers who don't know what The Liebster Blog Award is, its basically a nomination from someone who loves your blog and wants to show it some love. The blogs that can be nominated for this award are seen as being the up-and-coming blogs and they must have less than 200 subscribers.

As a nominated blogger, I have to do a few things first:

  • Reveal 11 random things about myself
  • Answer 11 questions that the person who nominated me has set
  • Create 11 new questions for my nominees
  • Tag 11 other blogs with less than 200 followers & let them know they've been nominated...no tag backs!

Here are 11 random facts about me:

  • 1. I love the Lord
  • 2. I have 2 animals, a dog and a cat
  • 3. I'm a freshman in College
  • 4. I wear a purity ring on my left hand to symbolize I am already taken :)
  • 5. My best friend is like my sister I never had, we've known each other for 15 years
  • 6. I'm addicted to watching YouTube beauty videos
  • 7. I'm a Dallas Cowboys fan
  • 8. My favorite movie has to be The Vow!
  • 9. I act like a kid with my college friends (LOL)
  • 10. I play guitar and I sing (been playing guitar for 7 years and singing since I was 7 years old)
  • 11. Devoted family girl :)

Here are my answers to Amy's questions:

1. What is your favorite item from your makeup collection? My favorite item from my makeup collection has to be my Wet n Wild eyeshadow palettes.
2. What's your favorite movie? My favorite movie has to be The Vow

3. Name one makeup item that you would really like to receive as a gift. I would really like to recieve a NARS product :)

4. Do you wear makeup every time you leave your house? No, not always. Sometimes I do if I'm going to see someone, but most of the time I go all natural :)

5. Name your favorite reality TV show.  My favorite reality TV show has to be Say Yes To The Dress.

6. Do you use more neutral or bright colored makeup? I wear mostly neutral colored makeup.

7. What is your favorite color to wear on your nails? OPI nail polish in German-icure

8. What made you start your blog? When I first got into makeup, I wanted to make a beauty blog so that if other young girls wanted to start wearing makeup they could take some tips from me.

9. Heels or flats? Flats 99.9% of the time, but for really special occasions I wear heels.

10. Name one of your guilty pleasures. One of my guilty pleasures has to be coupon shopping. I LOVE looking for deals and getting a good deal when I'm out shopping.

11. Do you have any pets? Yes. A 8 month old Chihuahua/dacshund mix and an 8 year old Polydactile cat.
Here are the blogs I nominate:
My questions for the above nominees:
1. Do you have any pets?
2. What is your favorite makeup item in your collection?
3. What is your favorite makeup brand in your collection?
4. What is your favorite movie?
5. How long have you had your blog?
6. Heels or flats?
7. What are your guilty pleasures?
8. Do you wear makeup around the house or just when you are out and about?
9. Do you wear mostly neutral or bright colored makeup?
10. Name one product you would like to recieve as a gift?
11. Name your favorite reality TV show?
If you have already been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award, I apologize for tagging you in this. If you haven't already been nominated I hope you take the time to complete this and therefore entitle yourself to proudly display the Liebster Blog Awards logo on your blog :)

Thanks again Amy for nominating me!!! :D Have a great day everyone!

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